Terms and Conditions for Using the Site

The current Terms and Conditions represent an agreement between You and BestVPSHosting.org (‘The Owner’, ‘We’), so please read them carefully before you proceed. We reserve the right to change these Terms at any given time, without prior notice, so we advise you to check this page regularly. If you do not agree to our Terms, please leave the site immediately.

By accessing our site at www.bestvpshosting.org, you agree to be bound by the present Terms and Conditions.


The Website Owner has Copyright of all Content on the Site in accordance with The Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, all content present on this site which includes but is not limited to text, pictures, videos, source code and so on are propriety of the Owner and you are not authorized to use or change it in any way, unless you have our express consent.


We Will not Share Your Personal Data Unless Required by Law. We use Cookies to help us improve the services we provide. Therefore, the only information we collect is regarding your operating system, browser, pages accessed and time on page, and so on with the sole intention of providing more personalised and coherent content.

We will not share the collected data with any other parties, unless required by law or if we sell part or all of our assets. We may be forced to share information that we collect only in case it is demanded by the competent authorities, but we will not do so for personal or commercial gain.

Limitation of Liability

Our site reviews, promotes and recommends web hosting operators and websites, but we do not provide and web hosting services. The purpose of this Site is strictly informational. Therefore, we do not accept responsibility for any losses or damages that may occur. We do not warrant that our Site will be error-free or that its operations will be uninterrupted. We do not assume responsibility for consequences that any interruptions may have.

Third-Party Links

We Assume No Responsibility for Third-Party Links. We do not take responsibility for the accuracy or the nature of third-party links content. We do our best to check third-party sites, but will not be held accountable for the safety of their links. If We become aware of any irregularities or links and content that violate the Law, we will take them down immediately. Be advised that once you access third-party sites, you will then be bound by their terms of use, so read them carefully. We will not accept liability for any losses or damages as a result of malware, viruses, Trojan attacks or other instances of this type that may occur during your visit.